Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010

I am sitting here stunned. Cathy’s cancer won this battle. So often we read about people who ‘after a long battle’ passed away. This was not the case with Cathy. Her first hint of an issue was only 8 weeks ago. A few days ago, we were talking with the doctors about weeks left. It quickly turned into mere hours. Now, I have lost my wife and best friend. Incredible. Unbelievable.

I am thankful that Christy was able to fly in to spend time with her mom. I am thankful that David was able to drive back too. We were all able to talk about happy times and to say goodbye. Family is important and we have a good one. Cathy and I are proud of our kids.

We as a family are so very thankful for the love and support that has been shown to us over the time of Cathy’s illness. Cathy, the kids and I have been blown away by the number of people who have left us notes, comments and emails. We are continually amazed by how many lives Cathy has touched and how much love there is for all of us.

Our humor for today is that Cathy is so loved and cherished that even Massachusetts has gotten into the spirit. They may have meant to wrap Cathy in a bow before her journey to Michigan. But they have gone out of their way to wrap and entangle Cathy with red tape. For this reason, I cannot yet tell you about any funeral arrangements. I expect to be able to communicate this tomorrow.

I would like to leave you with a thought. Cancer won this battle but Satan will not win the war. Cathy’s faith can be summarized in the first question and answer of the Heidelberg Catechism.

1. Question. What is your only comfort in life and death?
Answer. That I, with body and soul, both in life and death, am not my own, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ; who with his precious blood has fully satisfied for all my sins, and delivered me from all the power of the devil; and so preserves me that without the will of my heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; yea, that all things must be subservient to my salvation, wherefore by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life, and makes me heartily willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto him.

I personally want to thank all of you again for your prayers and expressions of support.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

Cathy’s aggressive cancer continues to progress. Cathy’s kidneys have stopped working and now the key goal is to continue to keep her pain free and comfortable.

It was really nice that both Christy and David were able to come to Boston yesterday and talk with Cathy. We had a nice time together talking and we took some long walks down memory lane. We talked about fun travels and laughed together. We will likely do some more of that today too.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28, 2010

Today’s blog is difficult for me to write as our journey continues to be quite an emotional rollercoaster. Cathy’s pain and nausea is now under control. She still has no appetite and isn’t drinking much. Everything continues to be a delicate balance. Tests show that Cathy’s kidneys are in some distress and her blood pressure is quite low. Full kidney function and physical reserves are required to consider chemo treatment. The reality is that Cathy does not have either. Cathy and I have always said that quality of life is of key importance. Quality of life is our real focus now and, with the extent and aggressiveness of Cathy’s cancer, chemo will not improve her quality of life. People at the hospital are beginning to look at possibilities for getting Cathy home or in local hospice care next week. We’ll see what the options are.

We are excited and happy that Christy is able to visit us. We made some quick change of plans and, if flights go well, Christy will be in Boston tomorrow afternoon. Christy’s visit is important to us. David was in Maine recently and the plan is that he will potentially come again to visit next weekend.

Cathy continues to connect with the nursing staff. Connecting with people is a real gift Cathy has. I came to the room after dinner last night to find that a nurse had purchased lifesaver candies for Cathy in order to ease her dry mouth. Early this morning, one of the nurses came in to our room and said “I’m upset because they didn’t schedule me to support you today.” Then around noon the same nurse came back and said with a big smile “Your current nurse gets off at 3pm and I told them that I’m taking over after she leaves so I am scheduled to support you! I also brought some nice smelling lotion from home to rub on your arms too.” Amazing!

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27, 2010

Today was the best day yet for Cathy’s pain and nausea control. It seems like the irritation from the digestive system has eased. Cathy drank quite a bit of high protein drink too. We hope that her appetite continues to improve. I brought a couple of pieces of pizza to eat in her room but I couldn’t convince her to eat any of it.

We met with the oncologists tonight. There are some additional tests that need to be completed over the weekend and we need to consider options over the next couple of days. As a result, we won’t finalize plans until Monday.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August 26, 2010

Today was a better day. Twenty four hours ago we started switching Cathy from patch and oral pain medicine to an IV pump system. The conversion went better than I expected and Cathy’s pain control is much better now. It isn’t perfect but it is better. Cathy is hydrated again and looks better too. The next targets are the nausea and appetite. The Dr. changed medicine to improve these two areas. It is key that Cathy begin to eat again and gain strength. It is amazing (and hard) to watch a woman, within 5 weeks, go from biking and spinning classes multiple times a week to being so weak that she cannot get out of bed to stand, even with help. Today she started to drink high protein energy drinks again.

We learned a few things over the last 24 hours. We got pathology results that tell us that Cathy’s cancer is in the Carcinoma family rather than the Sarcoma family. Cathy’s cancer is unique and that is why the diagnosis has been difficult. The only reason it is important knowing the cancer is a Carcinoma is to be able to find the best chemo possible. We came to Dana Farber to work with the Sarcoma experts and we are going to meet on Friday with the Carcinoma experts to determine the best path forward.

I am taking a break tonight from the hospital. Some friends graciously offered that I could stay at their house near Boston. I can’t tell you how much I appreciated a quiet Japanese restaurant meal followed later by a great shower. Now I’m ready to sleep without the hourly interruptions of nurses. Friends and family are precious.

Prayer requests:
- Return of appetite and the gain of strength
- Wisdom in determining future treatment
- Thanks for the continual support of all of you

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010

We had a lazy, pain filled morning but this afternoon was a bit better. We met with the ‘pain management’ people this afternoon too. It turns out that Cathy will be managed by the Department Head. I think the Dana Farber Oncologist might have pulled some strings for Cathy! The pain management people decided that it would be best to consolidate all of the different pain medications into one medication given by an IV type pump. This method would be more controllable and they also have portable units that Cathy could use at home. The goal is to reduce the pain so that Cathy feels better and feels like eating. We hope she can also have a bit more energy. We will move to the pump overnight and we hope that goes well.

The pain management people were very interested in my very organized and detailed records of Cathy’s medications and times. There was a conversation between the pain Dr and Cathy about medications that went like this: Dr. “Your husband has excellent records that we can use to determine how best to help you. Is he always this organized?” Cathy simply smiled and said “Yes.” The Dr. replied “Well, in this case it is good but I could understand if his level of organization was kind of difficult to live with normally.” And, to my amazement, Cathy didn’t say a single word but she smiled and shook her head in acknowledgement!

August 24, 2010

I know that there is a lot of interest in how the visit with doctor at Dana Farber went. We spent almost three hours in the consultation. Some of the three hours was for the doctor to study Cathy’s medical file. It is a little frustrating but we do not yet have a clear characterization of Cathy’s cancer. It is very unique. In some ways, it acts like a Sarcoma. In some ways it acts like a Carcinoma. They will spend the next 36 hours trying, one more time, to figure out what we are dealing with. We may not have a detail characterization at the end of the studies. We will, however, be able to create a chemo treatment to cover both kinds if there is no additional characterization.

The doctor recognized how aggressive Cathy’s cancer is and had a clear urgency to begin chemo treatment. This is exactly what we felt so we are pleased with this. We have decided that the chemo treatment will be as aggressive as possible while maintaining quality of life. We will likely begin chemo on Thursday in Boston and continue future treatments in Portland.

Cathy was in quite a bit of pain again during the doctor visit. As a result, Cathy was admitted into the Brigham and Women’s Hospital here in Boston. The consultation was with a doctor at Dana Farber and Brigham’s is connected directly to them. The plan is to get Cathy’s pain managed better, to give her fluids, to begin Chemo and to return home on Thursday or Friday.

I try to find humor each day. During admission, the nurse needed to ask Cathy a lot of questions. One of the questions was regarding Cathy’s personal things as they want to make sure that Cathy leaves the hospital with everything she came in with. Dentures: no, jewelry: no, glasses: no, pillows: 2 and so on. At one point, Cathy said, gesturing toward me ‘Put him on the list too as I want to go home with him’. We all laughed and went on with the next set of questions.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

Today started out hard but, after getting Cathy some IV fluids, things went a lot better. We consulted with the radiologist and decided to cancel Cathy’s second radiation treatment for the day. Cathy has had a lot of radiation and one more wouldn’t make a difference. We’ll give her system a break and let things begin to get back to normal. The Dr. said that the pain should be reduced in a week or two. That will also help her feel like eating more.

We drove to Boston and Cathy had virtually no pain. I’d like to say that it is because the roads had no bumps but that wouldn’t be true. I’d like to tell you it was solely because I am a brilliant driver but that wouldn’t likely be true either. I think we hit the right combination of meds supported by my brilliant driving. We are staying in a hotel within a couple of miles of Dana Farber. That will allow Cathy to ease into the day and not be too stressed for the appointment. Let’s all pray for a good night sleep.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 22, 2010

Yesterday was a mixed day for Cathy. Today was a better day. Cathy was awake most of the day and was able to drink more protein drinks. We have moved to protein drinks because her digestive system is irritated by the radiation. Liquids seem to go better. We are thankful that nausea was less today too. We both did take a nice Sunday afternoon nap to recharge some. It was nice to be able to relax and chat a bit together.

It is good to have mom and Al here to help. It is nice not to have to think about the lawn being mowed and to have someone else keep Cathy company for a change. I have asked them to stay for the next week and they have graciously agreed.

Tomorrow will be a big day with two radiation treatments, an IV fluid session and a drive to Boston for our consultation on Tuesday. We will stay overnight at a hotel so that Tuesday is not too strenuous for Cathy. I’ll do my best to navigate around as many bumps as possible.

Prayer requests:
- Thanks for a good Sunday
- Continued pain and nausea control
- Continue weight stability and strength

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20,2010

We now have a plan for early next week. We have an appointment at Dana Farber in Boston on Tuesday. As we were scheduled for our last two radiation treatments on Monday and Tuesday, we needed to figure out what to do for Tuesday. The plan is to have two radiation treatments (6 hours apart) on Monday and have one more IV of fluids. We will then drive to Boston and stay in a hotel until our appointment Tuesday afternoon. This will give us the best chance that Cathy will be feeling OK for her appointment. We won’t make significant steps in finalizing a chemo plan for yet another week following our Boston visit. Our Portland oncologist will be on vacation for a week. That is OK because we need time to build Cathy’s strength in any case.

Tonight at about 6:30pm our oncologist phoned our home to check on Cathy before he went on vacation. That is an example of the care, concern and dedication that we get from the medical staff at Maine Medical. It is also a reflection of how Cathy touches people’s lives. Nurses in the hospital dressed in Cathy’s favorite colors, they gave her grapes from their personal lunches because it sounded good to her and they shed a tear and a hug as we were discharged from the hospital.

I’ll end with my humor the day. Cathy was just finished with her IV today and the nurse was having some difficulty unhooking the medical ‘plumbing’ because Cathy’s top kept getting in the way. I reached over to simply hold her neckline back a little. The nurse said “thanks, that was very helpful and I think we should hire you.” Cathy looked at her and said “no, he is unemployable”. Maybe I’m an optimist, but I think she really meant that I am busy enough and don’t need another job. But, then again.….. maybe I’m wrong.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19, 2010

Today was very similar to yesterday with the morning filled with radiation and another IV to make sure Cathy is not dehydrated. We had two rather good days in a row now and we are looking 3 in a row. Three seems to be our number today because that is also how many radiation treatments we have to go. The medicine seems to be doing the job t o increase her appetite. Cathy ate relatively well today.

The only other good news is that I did not get kicked today.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 18, 2010

What a difference that 24 hours can make. Let me explain. Last evening was filled with dizziness, no appetite and pain. Tonight is filled with no dizziness, a good appetite (she is eating mint chocolate ice cream as I type) and no extra pain medicine since 2pm this afternoon. WOW!

We visited the oncologist today after the radiation treatment. Cathy could hardly sit in the wheelchair. We talked about the situation with the Dr. and decided to modify the nausea medication and to add an appetite stimulant. I then asked if we shouldn’t give Cathy some fluids as she was getting dehydrated. The Dr. agreed that it would be a good idea. After 1.5 hours of peaceful sleep and 1 liter of fluids, Cathy woke up a totally new person. In fact, the nurse and I were each standing next to Cathy’s legs as she was waking up. I made a wise crack (I don’t remember for sure but I think it had to do with how she looked) and, much to my surprise, SHE KICKED ME! The sad part is that I was so happy that she had energy that I was pleased. I really don’t want this to become a habit as I make a lot of wise cracks and don’t want to be kicked that often.

The CT scan didn’t really tell us too much new. It confirmed that there is cancer in Cathy’s lymph nodes (including those by her neck). The positive side is that her lungs and head are still cancer free. The goal now is to keep eating and drinking to build enough strength to tolerate Chemo.

- Thanks for a great day
- Thanks for the personal cards and notes
- That her new medicine creates appetite and no nausea
- Building strength to be able to tolerate Chemo

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

We started and ended the day with medical procedures. We completed the 14th of 19 radiation treatments early in the morning and upper body CT scans at the end of the day. Travel is still hard for Cathy as the bumps bother and she seems to be sensitive to motion. We seem to have the pain in more control and it is changing. The pain from the uterus seems to be significantly reduced but the radiation has made the digestive system somewhat painful. That should go away after radiation is done.

Today my Mom and Al came to visit. They drove the 1100 miles in two days and arrived at about 2pm. We were impressed! Their help will give me a break and will allow me to spend more time at work. The good news is that they also brought peaches and it sounds like there is a good chance that I’ll see a pie or two!

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16,2010

Today was again a mixed day but we ended the day in a good place. I pushed a bit of ‘tough love’ regarding getting Cathy to eat when she just does not feel like it. A friend brought over some beef stroganoff that hit the spot. Cathy did well with it as it tasted good to her (and me). Cathy just does not have much energy.

Tomorrow, we go, in the evening, for an upper body CT scan. This is important for us to determine potential cancer spread and to determine next steps. We have an appointment with the oncology doctor early on Wednesday to understand the results of the CT scan and to plan a way forward.

We never know how God works and why things happen. We had an amazing email from a Portand friend of Cathy’s today. Let me quote: “Upon receiving the news of Cathy's cancer diagnosis, I called my ob-gyn as Cathy and I had talked about similar post-menopausal symptoms...the result is that I do indeed have cancer of the lining of the uterus. I'm awaiting a call for when my surgery is to be scheduled etc. If I hadn't heard about Cathy's condition, I wouldn't have called my Dr, and well, you know the rest!” We find this amazing.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It means a lot to both of us.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010

Today was a mixed day and we appreciate blocks of time where Cathy feels ok. She was good for the time over lunch with David. We enjoyed catching up with him and things going on in his life. I know Cathy appreciated his visit.

I’m still trying to find the right combination of medications for Cathy. Medications have side effects that can make it a challenge. Somewhat to my pleasant surprise, it seems like Cathy’s weight has stabilized. Cathy can eat an amount of food equivalent to the amount that would be held in the palm of your hand. I need to get the appropriate health building food into this size. It helps to use a very small plate.

The good news is that I can still get Cathy to smile with my sick sense of humor in spite of everything. They say laughing is healthy. Cathy may only smile and may not laugh but it is really healthy for each of us.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14, 2010

The day got off to a difficult start but by 8am I was able leave Cathy in order to go to the pharmacy and get Cathy’s new medications. It won’t be long and all the pharmacists will know me by name. Cathy wasn’t able to eat much for breakfast but she did OK for lunch and dinner. We also kept up with her protein drinks. I had to sacrifice and make a meal to feed David some lobster and sweet corn tonight.

We enjoyed the day with David. He paid dearly as he had to drive 5 hours to get here. Oh, let me tell you a little secret (keep it between all us even though you are from all over the world). He got his first speeding ticket within a half mile of our home. I feel bad because I know that Yarmouth watches closely and I should have warned him. The suggestion is that he was traveling much faster than the 10 miles over the 25 mile speed limit that the cop wrote him up for. Well, he did get off easy because I didn’t give him any grief about it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010

This morning we said goodbye to Lynn and drove to Portland. We visited the hospital for radiation treatment number 11 and then drove to our oncology appointment. It was not an easy trip for Cathy. We really didn’t learn much new. It is too early to know if the radiation is working well. The doctor will set up an appointment for us to get a CT scan next week. We are all concerned that the cancer may have spread further. We are also modifying the medications that we are using so that we can control Cathy’s pain better.

We received our appointment to travel to Boston for a second opinion and consultation at Dana Farber. It was for September 1 which, given the aggressive nature of Cathy’s cancer, was not acceptable to us. I phoned Dana Farber and was able to move up our appointment to August 24. We are thankful for that as we would like to start chemo as soon as possible.

David will visit us this weekend. It is quite a drive but it will be good to see him. We also look forward to Christy’s visit in September.

I would like to say to all of you that your prayers, cards, notes of encouragement, gifts of HOPE and blankets of comfort are a blessing for Cathy and I. Thank you.

Prayer items:
- Thanks that we were able to move the Dana Farber visit to an earlier date
- That we can enjoy the weekend and David’s visit
- That the pain can be controlled better
- That Cathy can eat better and gain strength

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12, 2010

I will start today’s blog with one reference comment to yesterday as I will not reference this ever again. All the experience at the store and we bought the wrong size!! I think I’ll send somebody else back to the store.

Cathy struggled the last two nights with pain. I’m working to ease things and am hopeful that I have a good plan for tonight. While we were in the hospital today, we met with a nutritional expert. Cathy has had a very healthy diet over the last number of years and has minimized fat and carbohydrate intake. Today she was told that these foods would speed up recovery. In fact, as Cathy has been losing about a pound per day, she needs these items to remain healthy. Tonight she ate well with a good helping of southern fried chicken due to the good cooking of Lynn (not the other Lynne). Cathy also ate a nice helping of ice cream with banana. I forgot to add the requested chocolate chips and was sent back to the kitchen. This is a great sign of progress!

Prayer requests

- Improved appetite

- Good sleep (for the both of us)

- A clear plan when we meet with the doctor tomorrow

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 2010

Today was a pretty good day for Cathy. The people at radiology said that Cathy looked and moved the best since they have been seeing her. It isn’t so easy for Cathy to see because she isn’t satisfied. Cathy has always enjoyed exercising and has had a high energy level. It will take a while to build that back. We are now more than half way through the radiology treatments. One day at a time.

I hate to tell you the next story but I’m outnumbered by ladies. So, here goes. On the way from radiology, we had to stop by the grocery store for some food and personal items. I was very comfortable with shopping for my list of fresh fruits and vegetables. I went looking for Lynn as she was working on a different shopping list. I became very uncomfortable on the other end of the store, facing what seemed like a whole isle filled with boxes and boxes and boxes of feminine hygiene products. Then Lynn turned to me, a man, and asked: “What size does Cathy want?” OH, NO! This is way out of my comfort zone. In any case, how in the world should I know? So, although not very funny for me, the ladies seem to find enjoyment in this.

If you think this was too much information, I agree and I’ll try to do better in the future.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 10, 2010

Today we had both a visiting nurse and a physical therapist visit our home. Cathy had a good day, for the most part. We are getting a handle on the delicate balance of pain and nausea. I certainly don’t know why, but I think Cathy is getting a bit suspicious of me. I brought her a few crackers with peanut on them and one cracker with Nutella on it. She frowned and asked, regarding the Nutella, “what is that? It isn’t prunes, is it!!?” Are you starting to get the idea of what kind of things I’m feeding her?

Actually, Lynn has been a great help and a great cook. I was able to get into work today for the first time in a long time. Tomorrow we will treat Lynn with a lobster dinner (yes, the sacrifices Cathy and I must make). Cathy and Lynn had a good day together. We look forward to tomorrow when we will be beyond the half way point in our radiation treatments.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010

Today was day 8 of 19 radiation treatments and was the first treatment done as an outpatient. It was difficult for me because Cathy is very sensitive to bumps and vibrations. These cause her pain. I am not well known for slow driving but I did my best careful and smooth driving today. The hospital has things set up quite nicely for parking and ease of hospital entry. We met with the radiology doctor and he is hopeful that we should see some tumor shrinkage this week. Shrinkage should also reduce pain.

We know there will be good and bad days. Today was not a good day. It took me until about 8pm to get Cathy more comfortable but I now believe that she will be able to sleep well tonight. There seems to be a fine balance between pain medications and ‘bodily functions’. I knew that we were in a better place because I got her to give me a big smile. I told her that she was in pain earlier today because she was, as usual, just full of ‘crap’.

We will have a little change of pace this week. The next few days I have some help as a good friend, Lynn, from Connecticut is here for a few days. That way, Cathy get’s a break from me, get some different cooking and I’ll go to work. And, as some of you have previously suggested, I’m not the best looking cook.

Prayer items
- Pain management
- Energy
- Appetite

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8, 2010

It has been 24 hours at home and things have been going well. The meal plan at our house isn’t as extensive as in the hospital because there are not as many choices. But, on the other hand, the cook is much better looking. Cathy ate well today. After having a 3 hour nap, we both feel that we have hit a positive turning point.

Today we had a visit from the person organizing the visiting nurse. There will be a nurse who comes to our house two times a week. The nurse will take blood pressure and things like that. Cathy says that cancer treatment has advanced a long way over the years and she hasn’t been trained on that.

Cathy has appreciated the cards and good wishes from everybody. Cathy said ‘You don’t really know how much friends and family mean until something like this happens’.
Thank you,

Dan and Cathy

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 7, 2010

Dear All,

A couple of very smart people suggested that I set up a blog to keep you all informed and to give you an opportunity to post comments too. Thank you, Christy for taking a bit of load away from your dad and getting this off the ground.

The key news of today is that we were discharged from the hospital and got home at about 3pm. After two weeks, we had enough of the hospital. The key is to be able to manage Cathy’s pain and nausea. I think we have things under control but the next 24 hours will tell.

I will also give you the background to start this blog. Very late in June, Cathy had symptoms of a bladder infection. She then experienced swelling of her uterus with increasing amounts of pain. After a couple of doctor visits, we ended up the emergency room and then last week Monday in the hospital for a biopsy procedure. The biopsy came back positive and we are now facing what we think is a Stage IV Soft Tissue Sarcoma. We are doing confirmation testing now to make sure. We also immediately began 19 days of radiation treatments. If you want a reference to look at to understand more about Cathy’s type of cancer, I’d suggest looking at the Dana Farber web site by clicking the location below:

What prayers do we need?
- That the medicines work for Cathy’s pain and nausea
- Strength for us
- Thanks for getting home